film processing, film printing, camera shop, dark room missoula mt

Get to Know Your Camera

This class is designed for the "Digital Camera Beginner" and covers all the modes and functions of your specific camera. We split this class into two sections, compact digitals and digital SLRs with class sizes up to 4 people. Classes are held weekly on either Tuesday or Wednesday at 6pm with SLR & compact classes alternating by week. The class lasts two hours. Total cost is $35 but if you buy the camera from us the class is free.

Free class with the purchase of any digital camera.

Darkroom Class

This class is for those who would like to learn how to use a black and white darkroom, those who may need a refresher, or those who are interested in starting their own but would like a tutorial first. This covers everything from processing film to printing and takes place over two separate days in our public darkroom. The two separate days allows for the first day to be focused on film processing and allowing that to dry and the second day (not necessarily back to back) to focus on printing of the aforementioned film. Like many of our classes, this is tailored to the needs of the clientele. The total cost for this class is $40. Our film developing class is $25. Additional time can be bought for the client to print on their own.